
Irrigation in Saskatchewan

Irrigation in Saskatchewan

Irrigation is the process of applying water to plants, at the right amount and time, to produce food for people and livestock. The history of irrigation, agriculture, and civilization are closely intertwined: access to water leads to increased food security and supports regional prosperity.

Once complete, it is estimated to add billions to the province’s Gross Domestic Product, generating billions in tax revenues which will help fund public services and programs such health, education and social services in communities across Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan agricultural community is always interested in new ways to improve crop productivity and provide food security. Saskatchewan is well positioned to support the further development of its irrigated land base thanks to a number of contributing factors:

  • Large quantities of good quality water within Lake Diefenbaker
  • Healthy soils and an agro-climate suitable for high value crops
  • A world-class irrigation research facility located at Outlook, Saskatchewan, that provides crop varieties and technologies to further improve on irrigation
  • A friendly business climate that will enable the province to attract more value-added processing
Irrigation in Saskatchewan

Irrigation in Saskatchewan

Irrigation is the process of applying water to plants, at the right amount and time, to produce food for people and livestock. The history of irrigation, agriculture, and civilization are closely intertwined: access to water leads to increased food security and supports regional prosperity.

Once complete, it is estimated to add billions to the province’s Gross Domestic Product, generating billions in tax revenues which will help fund public services and programs such health, education and social services in communities across Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan agricultural community is always interested in new ways to improve crop productivity and provide food security. Saskatchewan is well positioned to support the further development of its irrigated land base thanks to a number of contributing factors:

  • Large quantities of good quality water within Lake Diefenbaker
  • Healthy soils and an agro-climate suitable for high value crops
  • A world-class irrigation research facility located at Outlook, Saskatchewan, that provides crop varieties and technologies to further improve on irrigation
  • A friendly business climate that will enable the province to attract more value-added processing
Young female farmer on a field

Why is Irrigation Important?

Much of Saskatchewan’s agricultural land is located in semi-arid climate zones. This means that there is less annual rainfall than some crops need to grow. Building irrigation infrastructure to move water from Lake Diefenbaker into farmland will add value to the province’s agriculture sector. Irrigation will help unlock opportunity for improved crop yields and the ability to grow high-value vegetables and crops, which in turn will support food processing opportunities and livestock development.

Once all of the projects have been completed, Lake Diefenbaker will provide irrigation for up to 500,000 acres of land, positioning Saskatchewan as a major contributor to national and global food security.

Water infrastructure has benefits beyond agriculture. A network of water canals and reservoirs helps manage excess moisture, such as during floods, and a safe way to store that water for later use as irrigation for crops. Water infrastructure also creates an environment for wildlife and plant biodiversity, as well as providing recreational opportunities for the public.

Why is Irrigation Important?

Much of Saskatchewan’s agricultural land is located in semi-arid climate zones. This means that there is less annual rainfall than some crops need to grow. Building irrigation infrastructure to move water from Lake Diefenbaker into farmland will add value to the province’s agriculture sector. Irrigation will help unlock opportunity for improved crop yields and the ability to grow high-value vegetables and crops, which in turn will support food processing opportunities and livestock development.

Once all of the projects have been completed, Lake Diefenbaker will provide irrigation for up to 500,000 acres of land, positioning Saskatchewan as a major contributor to national and global food security.

Water infrastructure has benefits beyond agriculture. A network of water canals and reservoirs helps manage excess moisture, such as during floods, and a safe way to store that water for later use as irrigation for crops. Water infrastructure also creates an environment for wildlife and plant biodiversity, as well as providing recreational opportunities for the public.

Young female farmer on a field

This is a project that does appear well-suited for the time. It puts people to work post COVID-19, and builds on the pillar of agriculture in Saskatchewan’s economy moving forward.

This is a project that does appear well-suited for the time. It puts people to work post COVID-19, and builds on the pillar of agriculture in Saskatchewan’s economy moving forward.

Todd Lewis (Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan)

Todd Lewis (Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan)

Irrigation in Saskatchewan

Irrigation in Saskatchewan

The Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Projects will have a significant impact on Saskatchewan’s economy for many years to come. In addition to the thousands of construction jobs created during the build of the three projects, changes to agricultural output will create more jobs in processing and transportation and create billions in economic benefits.

Irrigation in Saskatchewan

Irrigation in Saskatchewan

The Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Projects will have a significant impact on Saskatchewan’s economy for many years to come. In addition to the thousands of construction jobs created during the build of the three projects, changes to agricultural output will create more jobs in processing and transportation and create billions in economic benefits.