Unlocking the potential of Saskatchewan

Unlocking the future 

We want to hear from you!
The Government of Saskatchewan is moving forward with stakeholder engagement and next steps of the engineering design for the approximately 90,000-acre irrigation project on Lake Diefenbaker. 
If approved, construction is targeted to begin in 2026.
Before work begins, the province will be engaging with agricultural and environmental stakeholders and groups, municipal and community organizations, First Nation and Métis organizations and
communities, the federal government, key research organizations, and the public. This engagement is intended to generate dialogue and gather feedback.
If you have questions, comments or would like to provide feedback about the project, please click here.

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Farmer and Rancher Survey Now Available

Farmer and Rancher Survey Now Available

The Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Projects will have a significant impact on Saskatchewan’s economy for many years to come. In addition to the thousands of construction jobs created during the build of the three projects, changes to agricultural...

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